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Help Madison raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

I am a volunteer foster coordinator and board member at Annex Cat Rescue. In my 6yrs at various rescues (over 2yrs with Annex) I have never seen a worse kitten season. We have brought in countless kittens with intestinal issues, URIs and broken bones. Many of these cats would have died miserable lonely deaths on the street, but ACR gave them a chance to live beautiful & happy lives. 

But no matter how hard we fight, we don't always win. Some kittens come to us too sick to survive. They still receive the highest standard of medical care and we give them every opportunity for recovery, but they don't always make it.

This summer I was with 3 kittens in their final hours: Cosmos, Lilypad & Poe. Their last weeks, days, moments were filled with love, warmth & care. For that I am grateful.

I run in their memory in the hopes that Annex can continue our mandate to help the street cats of Toronto. 





Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 11 Anonymous Thank you for your care and compassion to these kitties! Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 KJ Swift In honour of an inspired leader and friend, and in memory of all our kittens whose lives were short but filled with love. Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 10 Chi & Quinn Thank you for all you do. Love you hard ❤️ $108.31
Sep 10 Anonymous For all you do and in honour of the entire foster team. The kitties thank you. $215.65
Sep 10 Anonymous Such a great cause! Thanks for doing this! $54.63
Sep 09 Anonymous Love that you do this!! $140.51
Sep 09 Aaron Tucker For the kitties $27.80
Sep 08 Toby Milton $43.90
Sep 08 Anonymous Good luck with the marathon run, Madison! Cat rescue is important work. Undisclosed amount