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Help us raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Our story…

Give us money. We hate cancer.

In all seriousness, I'm sure we all have a loved one who's been afflicted by this terrible disease. 

For us, it was our Dad. He passed in 2016 after a battle with prostate cancer. At least one of his kids (Humerah, Yasmin, Shireen and Ahmed) have run the Toronto Marathon every year since 2015 in his honor.

This year we (Shireen and Ahmed) run it to continue the tradition and also celebrate our niece Rabia who won her battle, and beat cancer last year. 

With your donations we hope to continue to help the Canadian Cancer Society fund the most promising cancer research, advocate for health-protecting policies and provide trusted information, resources and support for every Canadian affected by cancer. 

To summarize:

Give us money. We hate Cancer.


This team picture is from our second run in 2016! Hopefully many more years of running and fundraising to support those affected by Cancer.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 27 Abdullah and Yasmin So proud of both of you!!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 27 Halah and Rabia Love you Shireeni and Mamoo Undisclosed amount
Sep 27 maryam $33.16
Sep 27 Anonymous $27.80
Sep 27 Ahmed Bhabha Undisclosed amount