Diversity & Inclusion Policy:
The Steel City Road Runners Club is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for any and all who attend any of our functions, including group runs, training events, and social events or engage with our group in a virtual capacity (i.e. social media pages, virtual training groups, etc.). There is a unifying bond among people who love running that transcends social, cultural, political, and economic barriers that typically divide us. Our group takes a stand for the inclusion of all individuals regardless of race, religion/religious creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry or place of birth, disability, marital status, familial status or genetic information.
SCRR is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion and has a zero-tolerance stance regarding any form of infringement on the diverse and inclusive environment that has been created within our club and will continue to be provided. Acts of discrimination, racism, sexism or harassment toward anyone will not be tolerated by our group and will result in the immediate removal of responsible parties from the premises of the function or social media page/group and such actions are grounds for the termination of club membership.
Any concerns about violations of this policy should be made by either submitting an email to info@steelcityrrc.org or notifying any of the SCRR Advisory Committee members (a list can be found at http://www.steelcityrrc.org/team), one of whom is always in attendance at a group run.