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Help Charles raise money

For participating in Marauders’ March: The 1,000 Mile Challenge

My Story…

I only ask my friends to donate money via social media once a year, and to only one charity, the 1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation.  This foundation supports the Rangers and families of the 1st Ranger Battalion.  

Nobody on its board takes any salary. 

Again, this year, I am asking you to support this charity via the Marauders' March, the 1,000 mile challenge. 

This event not only raises money for the Sua Sponte Foundation, but does so by honoring the incredible bravery, grit, determination, and perseverance of the men of the 5307th Composite Unit-Merrill's Marauders during World War II, whose lineal descendants serve in the modern Ranger Regiment.

Last year, I set a goal of covering 750 human-powered miles during the 31 days of March, through a combination of cycling, running, swimming, walking, and rowing.  I actually covered just over 767.  It was hard. Harder than I thought it would be. 

So, of course, this year, I have set my sights higher and harder: 1,000 human-powered miles in March. 

Thirty years ago, I might have done that in cycling alone!  These days, I find it more challenging.

Last year, you humbled me by donating over $3,000 to the Sua Sponte Foundation. I hope you will set your sights higher, as well.

Thanks, in advance, for your donation in ANY amount.  

Even if you do not donate, please take a moment  to reflect on the valiant efforts of Merrill's Marauders in the China Burma India Theater of WWII, and of the modern Rangers who carry that proud tradition into the future.

Rangers lead the way.


Please donate to raise money for the 1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation. The all volunteer board members ensure that 94% of every donation is directed to its mission to maintain the pristine 1st Ranger Battalion Memorial and provides rapid financial and logistical assistance to 1-75 Rangers and their families in times of crisis and beyond. The Sua Sponte Foundation is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, Tax ID#27-4386692.

To learn more about the genesis of this month long 1,000 mile challenge, click on the Marauders' March Main page below:

Marauders' March Main Page

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 15 Lexie Brown Go Dad Go $16.83
Mar 14 Michael M. Murray Lead the way, brother. $107.35
Mar 13 Donation to Marauders' March The 1000 Mile Challenger Johnnie Downs Donation to Marauders' March The 1000 Mile Challenge 2022 $27.48
Mar 13 Riley and Melanie Rainey $267.10
Mar 10 Van Allen PLBG RLTW! $320.35
Mar 06 JOHNNIE DOWNS JOHNNIE DOWNS DONATION TO 1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation on behalf of Charlie Brown $27.48
Mar 06 Dave/Jeanny Huber Roll n Run Charlie Run! $54.10
Mar 06 Anonymous $27.48
Mar 03 Mark Brady Another year better. $54.10
Mar 02 Marauders' March - Sua Sponte Foundation Donation to Marauders March The 1,000 Mile Challenge $27.48