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Help us raise money

For participating in 2022 Cleveland Marathon

Our story…

CTE is a devastating neurodegenerative disease caused by repetitive head impacts in sports and military service that can only be diagnosed after death. We are raising funds to support the Concussion Legacy Foundation’s End CTE campaign, which is leading efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat CTE while supporting patients and families fighting the disease.

We are participating in memory of 4 members of the Michigan sports community we have lost to CTE, including Rob Lytle '77 and other members who are not yet public. 

We are competing against other schools including Michigan State, Alabama, and Clemson see who can raise the most funds. To remind us we’re all in the fight to End CTE together, the losing captains will film themselves singing the winner’s fight song and CLF will post the video to their social media accounts (like last year). Thank you for joining and supporting our team!

- Kelly Lytle and Zoltán Meskó '09

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 30 Tanie Some might argue that doing a 10k despite your preferred diet of Taco Bell makes this effort even more impressive... Good stuff! $107.94
Apr 18 Lee Root Great man and great family! Love you brother! Should I bust out my running shoes? $27.68
Apr 16 Neal & Joani $27.68
Apr 16 Tom Hoffman Rob was my childhood idol who became an adult friend! So many great memories!!! $107.94
Apr 15 Anonymous What a wonderful way to honor Rob 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃❤️ $107.94
Apr 15 Dr. Matt Bagamery We love you. And we'll see you when we see you. $107.94
Apr 14 Greg & Amy $107.94
Apr 14 Mark & Tina Hablitzel The LYTLE family holds a special place in our hearts. They lived in our neighborhood & we shared many wonderful memories over the years. $107.94
Apr 14 Anonymous $107.94
Apr 14 Sister Mary Corneil & Andy Mayle Good luck guys! Andy Mayle $41.41