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Help Ryan raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022

Why I'm Running...

Your donation makes a difference! The Perley Health Foundation continues to rely on your generous and loving donations. As the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel gets brighter, the needs of the Perley are adjusting and our continued donations and support, lift and sustain the morale of the seniors and veterans who benefit from the care offered by the Perley team. This team is an amazing bunch and it is our honour to run in support of their efforts.

Both Azariah (my son) and I will be running again this year (Azzi the 2km and me the 1/2 marathon), and you can make a donation to either one of our pages as it will all go towards our collective fundraising efforts. This year's goal pushes beyond all goals we've had in previous years and we are continually encouraged by the generosity and love that others have shown to the Perley.

So - we're lacing up yet again! Please join us, give generously and we will CRUSH this goal and the run together! 

Donate today!


#honourandcare #PerleyHealthUnited / /

Azzi's Page:

Donate to help Ryan raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022’s fundraising campaign.

See Me Care!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 22 Anonymous Have a great run Ryan and Azi! Lance and Ginny $108.31
May 21 Anonymous Go Ryan and son! Undisclosed amount
May 20 Anonymous All the best and enjoy Undisclosed amount
May 19 1 CAD Tac Avn Team Have a great run Azzi and Ryan! We'll set the bar low and expect a top 10 finish. Good luck and have fun! $40.00
May 15 Lisa Henderson Way to go guys! You're awesome! $108.31
May 12 Zarley $50.00
May 09 Anonymous Thank you to the Perley Rideau Staff for taking care of fellow veterans. $54.63
May 09 Anonymous Great to see you and Azzi getting to do this together! $54.63
May 09 Anonymous Thank you for your support of the Perley. $108.31
May 09 Donna and Mark Friesen Have fun! $54.63