My Story…
As many of you are aware, a colleague and dear friend of mine, Brigitte Lavigne was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 2 years ago at 46 years of age. For the past 15 years, she has participated in the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend. In fact, even with an incurable lung cancer diagnosis she was registered to complete 5K in this year’s event.
Her diagnosis was a shock, not just to her but to her young family, friends and colleagues. No one would have ever expected HER to have lung cancer. Brigitte always said: "it is clear that this translates to the need to improve education and awareness, find ways for early detection, and ultimately enhance treatments to allow for longer life expectancy."
So today I am asking for your help to ensure that Brigitte’s spirit is at the Ottawa Race Weekend event in a BIG way!
We are putting together a team for the 5K walk/run on May 28th in Ottawa. I am asking for your help to honour Brigitte by making a donation to Lung Cancer Canada and to help the team reach its fundraising goal of $10,000 for Lung Cancer Canada!
In Brigitte's own words: "Never in a million years would I have expected to get lung cancer. A busy mom and professional (though often noted for running off her legs), I was healthy. I exercised, watched my weight, ate well, didn't drink or smoke. I never realized that ANYONE with lungs can get lung cancer. Like many, I attached a stigma to lung cancer."
You may be surprised to learn that:
“Although about 72% of lung cancer cases in Canada are due to smoking tobacco, it is still possible to get lung cancer if you have never smoked. In fact, lung cancer in never-smokers is among the leading causes of cancer related mortality. The risk factors for lung cancer go far beyond smoking tobacco. They include, among many others; second-hand smoke, radon, asbestos, outdoor air pollution, and personal or family history of lung cancer”. (source: Lung Cancer Canada)
“More people are expected to die from lung cancer (21,200 in 2020) than from colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer combined (19,000 in 2020). This represents approximately 25% of all cancer deaths in 2020”. (source: Lung Cancer Canada)
The 5 year net survival rate for lung cancer is significantly lower than other cancers, at only 19%. Part of this is due to inadequate screening options, which leads to many patients being diagnosed at later stages. This makes treatments less effective at being successful, significantly impacting cancer survival. According to the 2019 Canadian Cancer Statistics, 70% of lung cancer patients are diagnosed at a late stage (stage III or IV). Additionally, almost half of all lung cancer cases diagnosed in Canada are stage IV, indicating that the cancer has spread throughout the body. (source: Lung Cancer Canada)
If you are in Ottawa, please consider joining our team (link is on the team page).
Whatever amount or however you may be able to contribute will help to honour Brigitte!
Be sure to click on the team page to learn more about Brigitte's story and how amazing she is.
Let's make Brigitte proud! Thank you for your support!
Donate to help Andrea raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Apr 14 | Jenn & Paul Ankrett | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 14 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 13 | Pam Atkinson | $108.31 |
Apr 13 | Sonia Nouasria | $54.63 |
Apr 13 | Sheila | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 13 | Denise Mainville-Vantour | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 13 | Rob Akman | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 13 | Bob and Colleen Grills | $108.31 |
Apr 13 | Amy Grills | $108.31 |
Apr 13 | Penny Dixon | $54.63 |