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Help us raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022

Our story…

THANK YOU for choosing to Run or walk in support of The Royal!

The Royal is a place where the mind matters as we discover the mysteries of the brain and translate our findings from bench to bedside. It is a place where we never give up on the potential of people. As one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres, The Royal focuses on full psychiatric rehabilitation, specializing in treating people across Eastern Ontario with complex and serious mental illness.

It is thanks to community members like YOU that we are able to focus on improving the health and lives of those living with mental illness! 

We are extraordinarily thankful for your support!!  

Help us raise money through participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2022!

Team members

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 26 Anonymous So proud of you and your commitment to mental health awareness! $108.31
May 25 John Danis $54.63
May 23 Kassidy Cavanagh $11.70
May 23 Laura Kelly $27.80
May 23 Justin M $27.80
May 22 Riley Hildebrandt $22.43
May 22 Ethan Jackson Crush it Kelly $22.43
May 22 Olivia Gleason $27.80
May 16 Sharon Cavanagh $27.80
May 16 Ann Kelly $54.63