Notre histoire…
Help support Practice Changing Mental Health Research and the new Civic Site and the Ottawa Hospital!
The Ottawa Hospital has been recruiting psychiatrists, nurses and researchers to meet the overwhelming need for mental health services.
We don't just want to provide more care, we want to provide the best care. Practice Changing Research will be a key tool to help us create better services and improves the services we have.
Our vision for the funds raised is to foster and encourage mental health research initiatives at the Ottawa Hospital, with a focus on patient-centred, patient-driven approaches to care.
All funds are distributed by a committee including patients and families who help determine our research priorities. Last year we raised $20 000 and were able to support a grant exploring mental health impacts of COVID 19.
Please support the Ottawa Hospital as we strive to be a leader in research and quality care for patients with mental health challenges.
For every $10: $9 will go directly to our patient driven research and $1 will go towards the new Civic Hospital where we need your support for our big plans of a state of the art mental health facility.
Membres de l’équipe
Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.
Mark Kaluzienski
Montant recueilli : 4 238,60 $
Capitaine de l’équipe
Jess Fiedorowicz
Montant recueilli : 1 600,00 $
Sephora Tang
Montant recueilli : 959,17 $
Genevieve Audette
Montant recueilli : 827,80 $
Simon Hatcher
Montant recueilli : 714,85 $
Shannon Vezina
Montant recueilli : 707,70 $
Christopher Birtch
Montant recueilli : 529,83 $
Natalie Fletcher
Montant recueilli : 514,70 $
Jay Denney
Montant recueilli : 267,57 $
Matthew Regan
Montant recueilli : 175,10 $
Aaron Bunny Burros
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Amanda Pontefract
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Barb Miller
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Christina Glaus
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Davia Yahia
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Julie Tousignant
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Olivia Brown
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Ryan Purvis
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Yanik Tessier
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Dominique Sévigny
Montant recueilli : 0,00 $
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
May 29 | Jess Fiedorowicz | 47,30 $ |
May 29 | Jess Fiedorowicz | 51,05 $ |
May 28 | Carolyne Dufresne | 27,80 $ |
May 28 | Then I Met A Horse | 27,80 $ |
May 28 | Joel and Maria Neal | Montant non divulgué |
May 28 | Heidi Honegger | 108,31 $ |
May 28 | Carolyne Dufresne | 303,96 $ |
May 27 | Mark and James | 323,00 $ |
May 27 | James and Mark | 430,34 $ |
May 27 | James and Mark | 215,65 $ |