Raise money for Flying Pig Marathon Charities
The Flying Pig Marathon Charity Program provides four (4) avenues for charities to utilize the Flying Pig events as a fundraiser. The four (4) levels of participation are briefly described here:
Partner Level (Porkner Level) – The traditional method of having participants “run/walk for the cause”. Participants can use the all of the Flying Pig weekend events to collect pledges, solicit sponsors, build teams and challenges, etc. All funds raised by the participants go directly to the charity.
Associate Level (Asowciate Level) – Charities that are new to raising money through the Flying Pig or charities, who have not yet reached $5,000 in fundraising through the Flying Pig, may participate at this level. Similar to the Partner Level, charities can raise funds by having their participants collect pledges, solicit sponsors, build teams and challenges, etc. All funds raised go directly to the charity.
Volunteer Level (Grunts) – The most popular level of raising funds for charity is by becoming one of the 250+ volunteer groups that comprise over 8500 volunteers needed to make the Pig run! Volunteer groups representing charities provide the Marathon Weekend with much needed and critical operating assistance. All facets of the event involve volunteers. Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age, receive a collector t-shirt, and the groups will be assigned a job at which the entire charity group will work the same duty, same general location, same time. In appreciation of the volunteers’ efforts, the Flying Pig will make a direct donation to the charity and will receive recognition on the Flying Pig website.
Raffle Level (Piggest Raffle Ever) – This level of charity participation is probably the easiest manner of involvement, but requires the charity to continually and consistently promote their participation in the Piggest Raffle Ever. Charities wishing to participate in the Piggest Raffle Ever must fill out and send in an application. The Pig Staff will then post the charity’s name in a drop-down menu at the secure website http://piggestraffleever.com. The charity must then promote the website and ask their constituents to go there and raffle tickets on their behalf. Raffle tickets cost $5 each and 100% of that money goes in the form of a donation back to the charity. The person buying the raffle tickets has a chance to win some fabulous prizes!
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Reiley Elementary
Raised: $27.68
Fairview-Clifton German Language School
Raised: $27.68
Mason Intermediate (Team Impact)
Raised: $6.27
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Mar 18 | Evan Lusk | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 12 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 10 | Gary and Char | $27.68 |
Mar 08 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 07 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 06 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 05 | Amy M Dohn | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 01 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |