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Help Marj raise money

For participating in 2022 Sporting Life 10K

My Story

This year is our fourth year participating in the Sportinglife 10k for Camp Campfire Circle (formally Camp Ooch) as “Chloë’s Crusaders “. Chloë LOVED camp and always said it was the highlight of her year. This year we are running in honour of our sweet warrior. After a 14 year battle with Myofibroblastic Sarcoma in her lungs our Chloë passed away on June 27, 2021 at the age of 16. Our lives have forever changed, especially since she was our only child. Following her death, her tribute page for Camp raised just over $10,000. While Chloë won’t be at Camp physically this year I have no doubt that she will be there in spirit. Please consider making a donation in Chloë’s memory. She would be overjoyed to know that with your help she could give some other kids the Camp Campfire experience. Thanks so much!


Childhood cancer changes lives. So does camp. And so can you.

A diagnosis of childhood cancer changes life in an instant. For kids and families, it can suddenly feel like everything is about cancer. Simple childhood joys like friendships, birthday parties, or sports teams being left behind in the need for medical appointments, hospital stays, and long absences from school. 


Whether it’s in a hospital setting, in the community, online or at overnight camp, CAMPFIRE CIRCLE* fills the void, creating safe spaces for kids to be kids, so families can be families, at no cost to them.


It’s where curiosity and confidence, bravery and acceptance come to play, and healing through happiness is on the agenda, every day, and in every way! Kids and families are never alone, because there’s always room for one more in the circle.


Your support of Sporting Life 10K ensures that CAMPFIRE CIRCLE’S programs continue to reach 1,700 kids and their families every year. Your gift will make life-changing experiences possible.

*Did you know that Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium merged in 2020, and that we have a new name? Announcing … CAMPFIRE CIRCLE! We aren’t changing what we do—we're just changing our name.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 29 Natalie Pearson $25.00
Apr 29 Kathleen $161.58
Apr 29 Ashley Hoffmeister $22.03
Apr 29 Kim & Jim Mahon Chloe loved Camp Ooch. Her friends there truly understood her journey. What a fabulous place it was for her! 💕 $107.91