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Help us raise money

For participating in 2022 Sporting Life 10K

Our Story

As some of you know, Ben was only 3 ½ when he was dx with a rare form of brain cancer in 2004. His treatment was tough, and he remained in house at Sick Kids for almost 11 months. Through that time, OOCH was always there when we needed it, even when I didn’t know that’s what we needed.

When Ben turned 6, he was eligible to go away for Res Camp for 2 weeks. It was very hard to let him go, but knowing his doctors, nurses, and OOCH staff and volunteers were going to be with him, I knew I could not hold him back. 

Our whole family also benefitted from attending camp at Camp Trillium.  To be able to enjoy time with my kids and also the down time that was given to me was a true gift.  Meeting other families in similar circumstances made the isolation and loneliness bearable. 

This past December Ben turned 21 and remains cancer-free. These past 2 years have been so hard on people, businesses and just our way of life,  I cannot imagine how hard it has been for all the campers to miss going to Camp. Because OOCH is so incredible, they have found ways to bring camp to the campers.  This year, they will get to return to INPERSON camp, and we get to return to an INPERSON race!!!

Due to the pandemic fundraising is way down. During this time Camp OOCH and Camp Trillium also merged and they wanted their new name to place kids and families affected by childhood cancer at the heart of what they do and recognize the caring community surrounding them.  It needed to acknowledge their roots, and carry them into the future.  We will now all run/walk for CAMPFIRE CIRCLE.     Ben knows firsthand what CAMPFIRE CIRCLE can do for you, and how it can change your life.

 Through fundraising like this, it makes it possible for so many kids to enjoy the experience CAMPFIRE CIRCLE offers, one myself and my family can never repay.

Please make 2021 the best year yet and donate whatever you can!


Childhood cancer changes lives. So does camp. And so can you.

A diagnosis of childhood cancer changes life in an instant. For kids and families, it can suddenly feel like everything is about cancer. Simple childhood joys like friendships, birthday parties, or sports teams being left behind in the need for medical appointments, hospital stays, and long absences from school. 


Whether it’s in a hospital setting, in the community, online or at overnight camp, CAMPFIRE CIRCLE* fills the void, creating safe spaces for kids to be kids, so families can be families, at no cost to them.


It’s where curiosity and confidence, bravery and acceptance come to play, and healing through happiness is on the agenda, every day, and in every way! Kids and families are never alone, because there’s always room for one more in the circle.


Your support of Sporting Life 10K ensures that CAMPFIRE CIRCLE’S programs continue to reach 1,700 kids and their families every year. Your gift will make life-changing experiences possible.

*Did you know that Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium merged in 2020, and that we have a new name? Announcing … CAMPFIRE CIRCLE! We aren’t changing what we do—we're just changing our name.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 8 of 20 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 05 Carol McCreesh Enjoy your run! Undisclosed amount
May 05 Miranda Undisclosed amount
May 05 Miranda Undisclosed amount
May 05 Carol McCreesh Enjoy your walk! Undisclosed amount
May 05 Gerry and Robin Olguin $32.77
May 05 Lauren, Dave & Addy $25.00
May 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 04 Heather McMillan You’re such a positive and inspiring young man. Undisclosed amount
May 04 Grumps $107.91
May 04 Liz Bavaro Good Luck! Undisclosed amount