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Epilepsy Association of Calgary

Raise money for Epilepsy Association of Calgary


To support independence, quality of life and community participation for those with and those affected by epilepsy.

Purpose :

The Epilepsy Association of Calgary is a charitable social service agency established to address community, individual and family needs related to epilepsy.


Epilepsy affects all aspects of a person's life and asking for help isn't always easy. Seizures are normally brief and infrequent but the impacts vary widely. Living with epilepsy is a personal experience, not a diagnosis. 

Regardless of the situation, what is always necessary (and most important) is gaining the skills and knowledge required to provide support, information and expertise to those in need - and that's where Epilepsy Association of Calgary makes a difference. We are an organization dedicated to providing programs and services to improve the lives of those living with epilepsy and their friends and family.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 18 Candice Keast Donation in support of Lance Keast running in the 2022 Calgary Marathon $54.31
May 14 Mary Rooney $54.31
May 13 From Jenn’s auntie Pat Great work Evan , hope you teach your goal! $54.31
May 13 Romana Didulo 🤌 $69.00
May 13 Lauren Kanary Go Evan! What a great cause. $54.31
May 12 Alexe Downey $27.60
May 11 Dylan Glen Undisclosed amount
May 09 T. Cassidy $107.72
May 09 Anonymous We are on the sidelines cheering you both on!!! $107.72
May 08 Stephanie Carrobourg 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 $107.72