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Help Jeremy raise money

For participating in Calgary Marathon 2022

My Story…

Kiran was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) in Oct 2017 at 20 months old. It's a chronic condition with no cure. He received steroid injections in his joints in Nov 2017. We’re incredibly lucky that he’s had no symptoms ever since! Every year without symptoms improves his odds. Kiran is more physically active than ever before - he’s now taking karate and swimming lessons!

In 2017 we discovered Cassie and Friends, a charity that helps kids with juvenile arthritis. We’ve raised money for them every year, some of which has been used for a full artificial skeleton at Alberta Children’s Hospital to show families the joints and how treatments can affect it. They also have training models for joint injections. Lastly, Kiran’s pediatric rheumatologist recently won a $15K Cassie and Friends grant for her Rheum to Grow Project, that will create an engaging and educational video for youth and families outlining the transition process to adult care.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Albert Chu $107.72
May 21 Michelle Good luck on your 5K! Will be cheering for you all the way from Brazil 🇧🇷 👏 $107.72
May 20 Mike Cousins $100.00
May 20 Naomi Schellenberg Undisclosed amount
May 20 Rosalie Bain $54.31
May 20 Anonymous Happy to see this still going strong Jeremy, and sounds amazing to be having Nolan join you on the 5k - well done! $267.96
May 20 Adrian & Mai $107.72
May 20 Megan & Kevin $54.31
May 19 Nawaz & Fahreen Damji $100.00
May 19 Nora Nathu $100.00