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Help Debbie raise money

For participating in Fighting Parkinson’s Step by Step 5K

My Story…

Thanks to sound medical guidance and great resources and connections from the Parkinson's Association of San Diego, I'm feeling much better now than when I was first diagnosed in 2018. Four years ago I was struggling to get through my workdays and craving an early retirement, but now I'm actually enjoying (?!) work again and I no longer face social events with dread. 

I am savoring this period of wellness, and doing everything I can to prolong it. I deeply appreciate the amazing support I receive from my wife, family, and cherished friends. 

Donate to help Debbie raise money for Fighting Parkinson’s Step by Step 5K’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 31 Nate F Thanks for keeping us all limber Debbie! $27.48
Mar 31 Ken & Byron Thanks for being so awesome! You always inspire us Undisclosed amount
Mar 25 Audrey Hoo Sending you love my friend! $54.10
Mar 25 Laura Carder Best wishes for good health Debbie! Undisclosed amount
Mar 25 Joy julian I think of you often… I know you are kicking Parkinson’s butt 💗 $11.50
Mar 25 Semmelman Family Debbie, as always, you are a champion!!! Rooting for you! Undisclosed amount
Mar 24 Kathy Woody Way to go Debbie. You are an inspiration. $54.10
Mar 23 January Riddle $107.35
Mar 23 Go Debbie You are awesome! Undisclosed amount
Mar 23 Kim Thornberry $54.10