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Help David raise money

For participating in 2022 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

Its been 15 years since my amazing daughter Cassie was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis.  

Time that goes by in an eyeblink......over that time there have been many changes...better medication....better treatment.....discovery....miracles.

In that time though Cassie and thousands of other kids still wake up every morning in pain.....still endure painful injections.....still sit out of dance and gym while their friends move pain free.

Cassie + Friends has been here for 15 years for all these kids and all their families offering the support they need and crave.

Now stronger than ever Cassie + Friends is supporting and driving the important life changing research that will make Juvenile Arthritis a thing of the past.

And give all the kids a pain free future......

Please support my run and donate generously to make this a reality!


This year, I will be running in support of kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases with Cassie + Friends Society. Cassie + Friends is a national charity focused 100% on kids and families impacted by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Cassie + Friends provides much needed education, awareness, support programs, advocacy and research to families across Canada.

What is JA?

JA is an incurable autoimmune disease in kids that attacks healthy joints and steals childhoods. It’s just as common as Juvenile Diabetes (every 3 in 1000 kids) and yet receives a fraction of the research, awareness and support. Kids with JA live with pain, fatigue and fevers, and many require aggressive medications like chemotherapy.

In 2022, Cassie + Friends is raising money for:

  • Providing parents with access to a private Online Support Network
  • Supporting families with emergency funds and medical equipment 
  • Helping fund Monthly Expert-Led educational webinars
  • Connecting youth with trained peer mentors
  • Fueling critical Advocacy + research into safer Treatments and a cure.

Thank you for your support towards a pain-free future for kids and families affected by juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases!

#TeamCassieAndFriends #JAWontStopMe

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 06 Anonymous $535.02
Jun 06 Karen Fraser Thank you David for your unwavering commitment. $267.96
Jun 01 Adam & Kai-Ling Shafron $535.02
Jun 01 Bonny Klassen Go David! Thank you for your work for Cassie and friends is so important. $267.96
Jun 01 Gary Huebner $500.00
May 31 Hendrik Zessel $535.02
May 31 Harvey and Jody Dales $180.00
May 30 Elliot Laskin Hi David, glad you are all in with this amazing work you all do!! Undisclosed amount
May 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 27 Darcy L. Wray $267.96