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Nova Scotia SPCA

Raise money for Nova Scotia SPCA

This year, the Nova Scotia SPCA will care for more than 6,000 pets. Some need one-on-one support to overcome abuse and neglect. Others need emergency medical treatment to survive. It's tough, but you can make it easier. Donations help support second chances and save lives.

Sign up to race with our pack and walk or run for a cause you care about. Participants will receive a 2021 Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon event shirt, Finished’er medal, race bib and SPCA swag bag. We will also be drawing 3 random participants to name newborn kitties and puppies after.

Thank you and good luck!


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 12 Mattey MacKinnon $22.47
May 12 Casey May $27.85
May 11 Christine Wellenreiter Good luck to both you and Grayson, and thank you for supporting this cause. Have a great run! Undisclosed amount
May 11 Brenda and Matthew Ghiz In memory of Bria Karis White and her love of animals. $108.45
May 11 Doreen Chenard Undisclosed amount
May 11 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 11 Harrison Ellerbeck $27.85
May 11 Andrew Allen $54.72
May 11 The Farrell’s $22.47
May 11 Sam & Max $54.72