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Help Kerrin raise money

For participating in Blue Nose Marathon

My Story…

Join me in fundraising for the ALS Society of NB & NS as part of this year's Charity Challenge.  

This organization is one that is near and dear to my heart. On January 15, 2019, my family received the news that my stepdad Kevin had ALS. ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Motor Neuron Disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease after the famous baseball player. ALS destroys the motor neurons which are an important link in the nervous system. Motor neurons send messages to your voluntary muscles (those muscles you control like your arms, hands, legs) as opposed to involuntary muscles like your heart. Kevin was recently retired after a 46-year career with the Department of Transportation and was still an active volunteer within our community as a volunteer firefighter and could always be found volunteering at our community hall. His dedication to our community through volunteering formally or helping someone in need is something I still admire and aspire to do the same. 

On May 1, 2020, Kevin’s journey with ALS ended. The 16 months he lived with ALS were filled with many struggles but also lots of happy memories. Kevin enjoyed one last summer at our family cottage, got to see a Habs game in Montreal, and spend time with family and friends. None of this would have been possible without the support of the ALS Society. They provided all of the necessary equipment including, wheelchairs, a hospital bed, a cough assist machine, and so much more. The cost for a single cough assist machine can be as much as $5000. The equipment loan program along with their support in navigating the medical system allowed Kevin to live his life to the fullest. 

My hope is to raise funds so that the ALS Society can continue to expand its support services for caregivers and their equipment loan program.


Donate to help Kerrin raise money for Blue Nose Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 03 Laura Corbett $22.47
May 03 Jenna Pitts $33.22
May 03 Hannah MacGillivray Kevin would be so proud. $27.85
Mar 30 Anonymous $108.45
Mar 30 Lisa Gunn I’m so proud of you and beyond happy to support you in honouring Kevin’s legacy ❤️ $100.00
Mar 30 Matt Cormier So proud of you! $100.00
Mar 29 Hayley Gavin You go King Of Poppin’ Kernels! $27.85