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Help Brian raise money

For participating in Blue Nose Marathon

My Story…

Brian has been running 10K in the Bluenose Marathon since 2013, raising money for Ecology Action Centre while enjoying the outdoors. He began cross country running in high school and has engaged in running off and on ever since. He was involved with EAC “back in the Dark Ages” as he says, when it started in 1971 and today volunteers with their Energy Action Team and Wilderness Issues Committee. He believes their work is more vital and more effective than ever now.

Donate to help Brian raise money for Blue Nose Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 12 Anonymous Go Brian Go $27.85
May 11 Bob Goodfellow $27.85
May 11 Pete Munro Go Brian! $27.85
May 11 Jim and Jane $54.72
May 11 Alan Collins $27.85
May 11 Joanne Lamey Thank You Brian Gifford for your continued support for EAC. $27.85
May 11 Bonnie Harnden Happy to support you in this, Brian. $27.85
May 11 Sam Boskey $27.85
May 11 Brian Gifford I ran 7 k a few days ago. Now I'm starting the fundraising. $54.72