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Help us raise money

For participating in Blue Nose Marathon

Our story…

Chisholm Services for Children is a non-profit organization located in Halifax providing a long-term Child and Youth Caring Program, that specializes in early intervention, prevention and permanency planning. Chisholm is dedicated to guiding children twelve years of age and younger who face severe adverse circumstances like neglect and abuse, to a realization of self-worth. Chisholm has helped hundreds of children develop skills and capacities to function successfully in a community setting and grow as healthy, stable individuals.

Chisholm also offers a community based literacy program for children from primary to grade six who are reading below grade level or who have been diagnosed with a learning difference, in addition to providing a monthly group session for parents who have been approved to adopt by the Department of Community Services and waiting to welcome a child into their home.


Chisholm Services for Children is a non-profit organization in Central Nova Scotia offering a long-term care program, which specializes in early intervention, prevention and permanency planning. Chisholm is dedicated to guiding children who face severe adverse circumstances like neglect and abuse, to a realization of self-worth. Chisholm helps children develop skills and capacities to function successfully in a community setting and grow as healthy, stable individuals. Chisholm also provides a community based literacy program for children from primary to grade six who are reading below grade level or who have been diagnosed with a learning difference.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 David Almon $54.72
May 17 Sheila Blair-Reid Wonderful initiative for such a worthy cause $54.72
May 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 17 Chris Larsen - S|E|A Good luck on the weekend Fred, great that you and Joanne are back home in NS in time for Blue Nose..! Undisclosed amount
May 17 Anonymous Go Team JoAnne! $54.72
May 17 Beth $500.00
May 16 The Grays Go team Chisholm!!! $54.72
May 16 Gregory Guy Giv’er! Thanks Chisholm! $108.45
May 16 Simone Cottreau Go Jo ! 👍 $108.45
May 16 Anonymous Bydand JoAnne xxElaine $108.45