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Help us raise money

For participating in Blue Nose Marathon


Bide Awhile Animal Shelter is proud to actively engage with our Tails in Motion team for the 2020 Blue Nose Marathon.  We do this through our Facebook group, hosting running training sessions, and holding a contest for our top (3) fundraisers!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Jennifer Gillard Great work Paul. Have fun! $22.47
May 21 Jaime Wombolt $27.85
May 21 Shawn, Laura, Kendra & Kinsey Fader Go Paul! $54.72
May 21 Flo MacLennan $54.72
May 21 Heather Elliott $27.85
May 20 Anonymous Run quickly so you can return home and feed us ...... meow $215.93
May 20 Melissa LeLacheur $27.85
May 20 Tails in motion Have a great walk Margaret $27.85
May 20 Tracey $27.85
May 20 Carolyn Langley Have a great run Paul..👍👍 Undisclosed amount