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Road to Responsibility

Raise money for Road to Responsibility

Since 1988, Road to Responsibility has been Making Lives Better for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the South Shore and South Coast. Our mission is to provide the means, the opportunity, and the support necessary to allow citizens with disabilities to take their place as productive members of the community.

Support our mission to make lives better! 


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 19 Lindsay Briggs You go Mike!!! $28.10
May 16 Josh Downing Let’s go! $55.35
May 16 Marilyn Thayer $50.00
May 15 Jen Goonan Go Jan!! What a great thing you are doing! $55.35
May 12 Renee You are such a strong person! Undisclosed amount
May 10 Anonymous Way to go Jan! Undisclosed amount
May 10 Anonymous $273.35
May 10 Joy Sawyer You are amazing!!! $55.35
Apr 25 Brian McCowan $55.35
Apr 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount