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Help Keith raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

My name is Keith Shaffer and I am the Director of Marketing and Alumni Relations at Gosnold. I am also a proud alumnus of Gosnold's programs and services, with over 3 years sobriety thanks to the Gosnold and the community. 

Today, I am a Director at this amazing organization, a homeowner and soon to be father engaged to the woman of my dreams. One of the greatest gifts my recovery has given me is this second chance on life, and the future I am building with my fiance Julie. 

I am running this years Falmouth Road Race in honor of Julie's brother, Brandon Showalter. This year marks the 10th anniversary since his passing, and I felt that this year is the best year to begin a new tradition for Brandon. Gosnold has given me a life second to none, and one that I wish I could be sharing with Brandon, especially as we approach these landmark events in our lives. I will carry his legacy through my actions and honor him as I run and fundraise for this amazing organization this year. 

Thank you to Gosnold and the support of my family, friends and coworkers who have all contributed to my recovery in more ways than I will ever express. This one is for you, Big Show!

Donate to help Keith raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 11 Ruth Cronin Good luck and congrats on all that you have accomplished. So much to look forward to! $28.10
May 11 Grammy Pammy So proud of you Keith! Good luck! -Pam (Mamma Show’s BFF) $55.35
May 11 Nadine Hoagland Good Luck Keith!!! Undisclosed amount
May 11 Kyle Kaldy Photography $28.10
May 11 Kaldys Keep on going! $55.35
May 11 Joe Hanson Proud of you bud, go get ‘em! $55.35
Mar 08 Keith Shaffer $55.35