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Help Carol raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep MOVING FORWARD." Martin Luther King, Jr.

I am excited to be participating in the Falmouth Road Race again this year.  I was the "Pushcart Queen"  last year and had a fabulous time waving and bowing to all the well-wishers along the race route, while raising funds for Moving Forward Inc, my day program in West Barnstable.


Moving Forward Inc is a very special place for me, I have been with this management team for almost ten years now.  My friends and I enjoy our days at program, we are always active and socializing.   I am fundraising for Moving Forward with the hope to raise enough funds to defray some of the costs associated with replacing all 22 of our old drafty windows! They will make our new location sparkle 6238df8605644.png

Thank you for helping me and my teammates reach our goal.  It is special people like you that make the world shine and  keep me smiling!  



Moving Forward Inc is a day hab program in West Barnstable.  I was recruited as a runner for this team by a friend who attends this day program.  Moving Forward is where she is able to hang out with her peers.  She tells me stories of all the activities she and her friends do at program and how hard it was to be separated during Covid-19.  I am inspired by the wonderful gift of happiness Moving Forward provides my friend through their day program.  I am running to help raise funds for this incredible organization.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 20 Jan Hughgill Queen Carol, You inspire us all! You go girl! You do make us all proud, my dear Carol. Hugs, Miss Hug-h-gill $109.85
Jun 14 Jane Stachowiak So glad to support Queen Carol + Moving Forward. Carol, you make others aware of great organizations. Thank you! $55.35
Jun 12 Yoga and Meditation Love to Carol that shares her Joy and warm stories that fills my Heart. I love being your friend. David $55.35
Jun 11 Monica Medollo Carol, You inspire with your positivity. You leave people feeling good when you speak. It's a gift! Your yoga buddy. $55.35
May 31 bill kirkby go get em Carol! $11.75
May 30 Judy Go Carol!!!! Much love Judy yoga buddy ❤️ $109.85
May 28 Joy Greene Carol you inspire me every day Lots of Love, Joy your yoga buddy $327.85
May 25 Moving Forward, Inc. Go Carol!! $28.10
May 01 Karen Halliday Kickstarting Carol's fundraising! $100.00