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Help Lily raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

My name is Lily O’Connor and this will be my first ever Falmouth Road Race and first time running any race as a charity runner. I chose to run for Tedy’s Team to show that you are never too young to know the warning signs of stroke and educate others. I am so lucky to have my health and want to run on behalf of those who are not as lucky as I am. A donation to Tedy’s Team does more than help stroke survivors, but helps to take away the stigma surrounding stroke and heart disease. It can happen to anyone! Together we can create a world where people are more educated and less impacted by stroke and heart disease! Thank you for considering to donate to my page and remember:

B- Balance Difficulties

E- Eyesight Changes

F- Face Drooping

A- Arm Weakness

S- Speech Difficulties

T- Time to Call 911!


The mission of Tedy's Team is to raise awareness for stroke and heart disease while supporting survivors on their journey, giving them a means for a comeback!

Tedy's Team was originally founded in 2005, when Tedy Bruschi, former linebacker for the New England Patriots suffered a stroke shortly after winning his 3rd Super Bowl and just days after returning from his first Pro Bowl. 

Since its inception in 2005, Tedy’s Team has raised over $7 million for stroke research and education programs with the support and dedication of more than 1,200 participants. In addition to raising funds, Tedy’s Team continues to raise awareness of stroke and its warning signs and symptoms.

To learn more about Tedy's Team, please visit 

All donations are tax deductible.

Always remember the warning signs of stroke:

Should you ever have any questions about your donation, please reach out to

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 16 Tom Angell $11.75
Aug 16 From Venmo $66.25
Aug 08 From Venmo $175.25
Jul 28 Antonia Good luck!!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Anonymous Love you lils Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Erik Unger Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 From Venmo $71.70
Apr 06 David Pepin Run fast! $55.35
Mar 21 Mikaela woohoo Lily!! $28.10
Mar 15 Matt and Kris Pepin Go Lily!!! $109.85