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Help Michael raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

This year I will be running in the 50th Anniversary of the Falmouth Road Race and representing Team Best Buddies!  The event will take place August 21st, and I will hopefully have convinced myself to run more than once by then. I figured what better way to motivate myself to get in shape than by raising money for a great cause and the looming possibility of public scrutiny and humiliation.

Anyways. If you’re not already out there helping save the world, the least you can do is toss a bar tab at a cause that is making a difference. ☮️ ❤️ -Mike 


Help me reach my fundraising goal to support the Best Buddies mission by donating here!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 15 It's a Loose Moose Moose has been running since 1991 and I couldn't be prouder. Can't wait to get to him after the race. Love you! Riley $164.35
Mar 15 Moose is loose $273.35
Mar 15 Reilly $55.35
Mar 15 Bala Good luck, Michael. Undisclosed amount
Mar 15 Wolf Daddy Enterprises Don't say I never did nothing for ya $55.35