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Help Sarah raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Recovery Without Walls (RWW) has been involved in my substance-use disorder recovery since I got sober in 2014. This organization has supported and helped me grow in my recovery since day one and they do the same for women all over the Cape and beyond. 

I was in treatment for 3 months in 2014 trying to start my life over at the end of a long bout of daily drinking to oblivion; I knew the gig was up. With no money to get on my feet, RWW funded my first few weeks in sober living. I can't reiterate how important this was to my beginning. 

Since, they have been involved in offering acupuncture, wellness activities and various supports to women at the beginning of or well into their recovery journeys-- all of which I have been able to reap the benefits of. 

Last year Bill Doherty, the founder of RWW,  planted the seed of applying into a competitive academic program at Smith College for non-traditional aged students. Despite not feeling confident in my academic abilities at a rigorous school, Bill pushed me forward and did all he could to support this endeavor. Fast forward to now: I just completed (and excelled) at my first year studying chemistry at Smith. The opportunity has and will continue to open doors that I might not have believed could be opened if it wasn't for RWW. I am forever indebted to this organization and the support it has given me. 

Please consider a donation to this amazing organization as I run the 50th Falmouth Road Race. Your donation will ensure Recovery Without Walls continues their mission of supporting women like me in their recovery journeys.

Donate to help Sarah raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 16 Erickson family You are amazing! $109.85
May 16 Arianna Hibbard You rock, Sarah!! Undisclosed amount
May 16 Jenna Gumprecht I love seeing all your happiness and success, Sarah! Xox $28.10
Mar 23 Anonymous $28.10