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Help Caitlin raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

January 4, 1960 - August 3, 2022. Rest in the sweetest of peace Cathy. You will forever be our angel and the definition of a warrior 🙏💕💪

I am honored to run the 2022 Falmouth Road Race in support of Compassionate Care ALS. 

In 2020, one of the most important people in my life - my aunt, godmother and friend- was diagnosed with ALS. This came as a complete shock to our close, small family. Cathy is my Dad’s only sibling and her two children - Danny and Betsy - have always been more like a third brother and the sister I never had.  Cathy has been a source of love, laughter, support, courage and inspiration for as long as I can remember. Her smile lights up the room and her love for everyone and everything Is contagious. I’ve watched firsthand as she approaches every challenge in life with courage, grace and a positive attitude. The older I became, my admiration for her only grew. She faces her ALS diagnosis the same way and this is one of many reasons that she is my hero 💕

Jon and I are honored to run this race’s seven miles in support of an organization that does so much. Funds raised from the Falmouth Road Race allow Compassionate Care ALS to provide direct services and durable goods to ALS patients, their families, and their caregivers. They offer an innovative and holistic range of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with ALS and their families. The organization provides resources including equipment, educational workshops, Medicare/Medicaid assistance, guidance and awareness in living with ALS, caregiving, and end-of-life issues.

Ron and his team at CCALS have been amazing to my aunt and my cousins as they help navigate support, resources and equipment. CCALS is a remarkable organization that goes above and beyond to support so many families in so many ways.

For anyone who knows me, running 7 miles is a quite a goal and journey.  But compared to the journey my aunt and others with ALS are facing—it’s nothing.

 Please consider a donation in making a difference in the lives of those affected by ALS through CCALS!


CCALS offers an innovative and holistic range of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with ALS and their families. The services we offer are typically not covered by insurance. CCALS works with families in New England, across the United States, and internationally. The organization provides resources including equipment, educational workshops, Medicare/Medicaid assistance, guidance and awareness in living with ALS, caregiving, and end-of-life issues.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 22 Jen Doherty $25.00
Apr 22 Keith and Pam Gibbs $150.00
Apr 22 Katie Moore $100.00
Mar 27 Caitlin Gibbs $200.00