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Help Carla raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm Running the Falmouth Road Race for Family Reach!

I honestly thought I was done beating my body up by signing up for road races.  But ever since COVID hit, the deep needs of the cancer community have become so difficult to witness, that I can't help but think, 'I have to do more'.   Running is my default because it gives me a tangible reason to reach out to my incredible network of supporters and share what I'm seeing daily.

The past 2+ years of COVID produced late stage cancer diagnosis because people didn't get to the doctor, even those like me, who have had cancer and need to be watched closely.  Lost income, lost jobs, no health insurance, it's a nightmare for cancer patients and Family Reach is the only national non profit addressing the financial crisis of cancer.  We are in high demand and I seriously need your help to answer the call.

Single mothers leaving their young children at home alone all day while they get treatment because they can't afford child care.  Families living off boxed macaroni and cheese because they get it for free from the church food drive, parents opting out of treatment because they fear bankrupting their family.  We can fix this.

Thank you in advance for considering supporting my upcoming 7 mile Falmouth Road race so that we can do more together.

with heartfelt gratitude and determination,


Donate to help Carla raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Thank You to Our Supporters!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 07 Kenji and Lala Freedman In honor of the memory of Rachel Pitchel and her loving family with this donation $200.00
Aug 02 Tim & Becky Turner Awesome work Carla - proud to be a part of your efforts! $273.35
Aug 01 Scott & Ellen Ramsey Carla, you are an inspiration! $273.35
Jul 29 Hector Martinez So happy to support you, Carla, and Family Reach! $273.35
Jul 28 Lois Goodell and Hal Hirshon Keenly thankful for all Family Reach aims to bring to the table, and Carla's driven stewardship. We'll help spread the word. $273.35
Jul 25 Ty Curran Matching Gift $5,000.00
Jul 07 Brian, Miles, Maeve, Maggie, and Rudie Go Carla! $109.85
Jun 19 Hope and Doug Turner So happy you have the energy and endurance to run for Family Reach. $1,000.00