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Help Kelly raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support the mission to save and heal lives through donation!

Here we are again, year 4 of the Falmouth Road Race, year 13 of my kidney donation.  I can't stress how fortunate I am to see the amazing living side of organ donation.  The impact it has made.  I don't say that as a brag, I say that as humbling opportunity to help my little corner of the world.  Paul is the hero.  Paul is the fighter.  Paul is the inspiration.  I run this race because I can't give anymore than I have, so I need to get the word out, that if my kidney fails Paul, that someone else can step up.  Do I hope that day never comes? Of course!  But I don't want the stress of that day to weigh on Paul.  I want him to live this awesome life and know I am literally out pounding the streets to make sure there are options if he needs them.  Out there potentially inspiring someone else to be a living donor, or at the very least to register as an organ donor.  

Not everyone can be an organ donor, but anyone can be an advocate!


New England Donor Services is the not-for-profit organization serving the region for organ and tissue donation. There are currently 5,500 patients waiting for an organ transplant in New England and countless others will require tissue to heal this year. With approximately half of the population registered donor, it's critical for more people to join the Donor Registry today. Funds are needed to help educate the community about the importance of organ and tissue donation and the need across the community. Give now and show your support!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 03 Beth Sanders Good luck! $28.10
Jun 25 Diane&Shawn Brown Good Luck☘️ $109.85
May 06 Karin B $55.35
May 05 The Woods Family Undisclosed amount
May 04 Roche Family You are simply amazing! $55.35
May 03 Kate Love you so much for giving people HOPE! Undisclosed amount
Mar 31 Kelly DeMello For Paul $55.35