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Help Tia raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hi, my name is Tia Dawson and I am running the Falmouth Road race for the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. I started working for the Flutie Foundation in September and instantly fell in love with Dougie's Team for Autism. 

Today, the CDC reports that approximately 1 in 44 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism affects all ethnic and socioeconomic groups. On average, autism costs an estimated $60,000 a year throughout childhood, and parents often work fewer hours outside the home because of the increased needs of their loved one on the autism spectrum. As people with autism enter adulthood, the cost of caring for a loved one increases substantially. Over 50% of people with autism at the age of 25 have never held a paying job. 

I decided to run the 2022 Falmouth Road Race to continue to support the autism community. Please donate to my page and help people and families affected by autism live life to the fullest. I appreciate any support you can give!


Former NFL Quarterback, Doug Flutie, and his wife Laurie started the Doug Flutie, Jr. Flutie Foundation for Autism in 1998 after their son, Dougie, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Their personal experience of raising a son on the autism spectrum inspired them to help others on an equally long and challenging journey. Over its 20-year history, the Flutie Foundation has distributed over $14 million to schools and organizations that provide clinical therapies, respite services, recreational programs, social skills training, job supports and more for people affected by autism.

The Flutie Foundation also provides education technology tools, adaptive camp scholarships, safety equipment, and direct family support through its special programs. The Flutie Foundation’s newest initiative, Flutie Spectrum Enterprises, will help create businesses to employ adults with autism.

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Thank you to our recent donors!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 05 madison v $11.75
Apr 05 Milena Musto $28.10
Apr 05 Morris Barrett Go Tia, what a great cause! $109.85
Apr 05 Eliza & Peter We love you T! $109.85
Apr 04 Scott and Icy Frantz $250.00
Apr 04 Emily Dawson & Nick Palmeri Go Tia!! We’ll be cheering for you. XOXO, Em & Nick $55.35
Apr 04 Matt & Pam Dawson Good luck Tia, may the wind be at your back and the road flat $109.85
Apr 04 Enjoy the run! $109.85