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Help Michelle raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Thrilled to be running this year as part of Dougie's Team!  My son was diagnosed autistic when he was three.  I know how much it means for families to have support, respite and all the programs and supports that the Foundation provides.  Danny is doing amazing, he is currently a student at the Wolf School in East Providence, RI and he plays hockey for the Great Blizz team in Plymouth.  He loves talking about NBA players, cooking us dinner on Tuesday nights, bragging about how tall he is getting (Toland family genes for sure), and he just discovered last week a love of surfing (go Gnome Surf!).  He is doing so well and his teachers are so proud of him.  But we would not be where we are without community, without others, without the programs and supports in our area for children like Danny.

I am definitely not a runner and definitely feel out of my element here, my running speed to date has been “oh boy I could sign up for a 5K if beer is at the finish line” or “sure I’ll do the 5K turkey trot and if it is too cold, I may sleep in” but I wanted to do something special this year.  I am so grateful for the Flutie Foundation and others that do so much to support our kids. 


Former NFL Quarterback, Doug Flutie, and his wife Laurie started the Doug Flutie, Jr. Flutie Foundation for Autism in 1998 after their son, Dougie, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Their personal experience of raising a son on the autism spectrum inspired them to help others on an equally long and challenging journey. Over its 20-year history, the Flutie Foundation has distributed over $14 million to schools and organizations that provide clinical therapies, respite services, recreational programs, social skills training, job supports and more for people affected by autism.

The Flutie Foundation also provides education technology tools, adaptive camp scholarships, safety equipment, and direct family support through its special programs. The Flutie Foundation’s newest initiative, Flutie Spectrum Enterprises, will help create businesses to employ adults with autism.

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Thank you to our recent donors!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 09 Ellen Good luck Michelle! $28.10
Aug 09 Vern Good luck! Undisclosed amount
Aug 09 Kathleen Ferraiolo Good luck Michelle! Rooting for you! Undisclosed amount
Aug 09 Fr. Eric Cadin $55.35
Aug 09 JRa Love you guys!!! $28.10
Aug 09 the Manoreks Cheering you on Auntie!!! $55.35
Aug 09 Dad Have a great run Michelle! $55.35
Aug 09 Dylan and Katie $55.35
Aug 09 Amy Gunville Good Luck, Michelle ! ❤🍀 $28.10
Apr 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount