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Help Austin raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Our goal is to raise over $3,000! Please join our efforts by donating today!

Attending the Falmouth Road Race has been a yearly tradition in my family for as long as I can remember, yet I have never run it before. This year, both Sarah and I are taking the opportunity to run it for the first time while joining the One Summit fundraising team.

Regarding One Summit, Connor (my brother) has been supporting the organization for many years now, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to help raise funds and continue to raise awareness of the organization. 

We truly value the beneficial impact that military service members and veterans bring back to the community, and I have seen this impact directly from local partnerships and veteran hiring initiatives here in Chicago. One Summit's program, which pairs Navy SEALs with kids who are battling cancer, enables mentorship and learning opportunities that reinforce the strength needed to battle through extremely difficult times. While the main relationship between the Navy SEAL and child is 1-on-1, this program positively impacts the families and immediate communities of both sides and continues to grow from there.

Both Sarah and I would love to bring as much support to One Summit as possible, so please consider donating and sharing this page with friends and family.


I couldn't be more excited to be part of Team One Summit. The task of running a race may seem daunting but pales in comparison to those suffering from pediatric cancer. It's an honor to participate in this year's Falmouth Road Race in support of One Summit - a nonprofit with a mission of building resilience in kids battling cancer through experiential learning and mentorship with U.S. Navy SEALs.

It is my goal to raise over $1,500! Hope you'll consider supporting my efforts by donating today!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 10 Halle Proud of you guys!!! $55.35
Jul 10 the mennatee $28.10
Jul 10 Sarah $109.85
Jul 09 Mom and Dad So proud of you for running and raising money for this worthy cause! $545.85
Jul 08 Charlie Undisclosed amount
Jul 08 Corey Ryba $28.10
Jul 08 Casey Undisclosed amount
Jun 10 Austin Johnson $109.85