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Help Sharon raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am so excited to be running the 50th Falmouth Road Race on behalf of Mental Health Collaborative on August 21st! MHC is a nonprofit whose goal is to increase mental health literacy and decrease stigma around mental illness in our communities. Through evidence-based programs, it's educators provide training for teachers, coaches and adults in the community. The teachers then have the information and tools to further educate our middle and high school youth.

 As many of you know, our communities have been in a mental health crisis for quite some time and the pandemic has only made the situation worse. So many young patients I see are suffering silently with anxiety, depression and eating disorders to name a few. They worry about the stigma and that their friends won't understand. They think they are the only ones. They are wrong.

 If you or someone you love suffers from mental health challenges, won't you please consider donating to this worthy cause. I can't promise I will run fast, but I do run with the promise to do my part to help  increase awareness and more resilient communities. 


We believe that with education and awareness, we can work together to decrease stigma and open the door to conversations about mental illness. Our mission is to build informed, resilient communities through education and awareness. We hope to improve mental health literacy in as many communities as we can.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 19 Davis family Thank you for raising money and awareness for such an important cause! Undisclosed amount