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Help Chelsea raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

In the winter of 2019, my dear friend Susie and her family lost their son, William, shortly after his 9th birthday in a tragic skiing accident. Time stood still. They held together, bonded by their grief and love, with the hopes that some beacon of light was on the horizon. William's Be Yourself Challenge is that bright light.

I run this race (my first!!), to be amongst those touched by this family's story, moved with compassion and commitment to make a difference for the better in the world, step-by-step, mile-by-mile. In this way, we turn crisis into opportunity to both heal and give back to the world; empathy, devotion and love.

The great Zen teacher, Katagiri Roshi once answered the question, "What do I do in times of great difficulty?" He responded by saying three things: do not be tossed away, continue under all circumstances, and make positive effort for the good. William's Be Yourself Challenge is that goodness.

'Be Yourself' was William's way of being alive in the world, and a way for all of us to honor his memory and live life authentically. In that way, William's goodness lives on.

Please join me in this celebration of William's life and all the love that has been poured into this organization by donating to WBYC and supporting my 7 mile run. With heartfelt thanks. Chelsea

Donate to help Chelsea raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 29 Andy and Stefani Keene Go Chelsea!!! We both love you and Susie!! $107.35
Apr 29 The Bidwells Get it Chels! We love you. $107.35
Apr 28 The Hammers Good luck, Chels! $107.35
Apr 28 Sam Byrnes You’re amazing, Chels!! Go crush it! Xoxo Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Frick Family ❤️❤️❤️ $107.35
Apr 28 Angie $107.35
Apr 28 Deepa Chungi Go Chelsea! $54.10
Apr 28 Jarvis Family Whoo go Chels!!! $107.35
Apr 28 Lois Wolf and William Hall Here's to running with grace and grit, in William's name,, to honor a great and noble truth; Be Yourself. $107.35
Apr 28 Anonymous Go Chelsea go! Undisclosed amount