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Help Sean raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support. Inspire. Empower.

My name is Sean and I am in a person in long term recovery.  In August to celebrate 49 years around the sun, I will be running the Falmouth Road Race for Herren Project. Herren Project and the amazing people I have met have been a lifesaver for me, especially during COVID and the loss of Thomas.  My teammates have been family to me. The connections and relationships I have built with them are only possible through recovery.  Please help me help others with their battle with Substance Use Disorder. We recover together!


Herren Project is a national nonprofit organization providing free resources and support for the treatment, recovery and prevention of substance use disorder. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 07 The deffley family You’re the man! $55.35