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Help Ashleigh raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

For those of you who know me running has always been hard. I’ve come up with every excuse for why I couldn’t go for a run or why it was hard for me. I was too tired, I work nights, I have 4 kids, I just washed my hair. If there was an excuse I have used it. Over the last few years I’ve realized all of those excuses are privileges and being able to run is a privilege I’ve taken for granted. This summer I signed up ( with some convincing by a friend) for the Falmouth Road Race. I will be running for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition. MBCC is dedicated to preventing environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research advocacy, and changes to public policy. I ask whatever donation you are willing to give to me be split in 1/2 and the other portion be donated to my good friend Jenna who is currently fighting stage 4 breast cancer.
This one is for you Jenna ❤️

Donate to help Ashleigh raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 14 Pammy Gabriel You’re amazing!!! You both are! Xoxo Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 The Lescarbeau’s So glad to be helping an amazing friend do amazing things!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Nicole You got this Ash! ❤️ Amazing friend in support of the strongest fighter! Love you Ash and Jenna! $55.35
Aug 13 Lindsey, Brendan, Lucas & Grant So proud of you, ash. Great cause in support of an amazing person! $55.35
Aug 03 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Karl & Melissa Erickson For Jenna & Ashleigh! ❤️ Sending lots of love and positive energy your way! $109.85
Jul 02 Jenna Lyons For breast cancer prevention of others who don’t deserve to ever be in my shoes. Thank you Ash! Good luck! $109.85
Jun 21 Hero Cheering you on Ashleigh. Love, Mom and Dad $273.35
Jun 07 Laura, Jarod, Wes & Connor For Jenna ❤️ and our amazing sister/auntie Ashleigh! We love you! $55.35
Jun 07 Aunt Linda & Uncle Jack What a beautiful way to help support your friend Jenna❤️ Undisclosed amount