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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

As many of you know, my family and I hold a special place in our hearts for those who have dedicated their lives to making individuals with Down syndrome feel valued, included, and given the opportunities to pursue fulfilling lives. 

I am humbled and grateful to be able to give back to an organization that works to promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. 

Running fast for you, Faithy girl! 


Thanks for visiting my fundraising page!

This August I will be running as a member of Team Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) for the ASICS Falmouth Road Race in support of individuals with Down syndrome.

Please help me support the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

Contributions of any size are truly appreciated to ensure that all of the MDSC's programs, advocacy, and awareness initiatives stay strong!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 11 Erik Larson Happy to donate to such a great cause! $11.75
May 11 Melissa Pesaturo I love you!! Go Boonie!!! $55.35
May 10 Buzby Family Go Auntie J! We love you! $55.35