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Help Rick raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support the mission to save and heal lives through donation!


After being diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), my liver failure was extremely fast.  Over the course of just seven months I ended up in palliative care and was given just two days to live.  I needed a liver transplant in order to survive.

To complicate this, ammonia had accumulated on my brain, resulting in a state of full "dementia".

36 hours passed as if it was only minutes.  With just 12 hours left to live, on the day I was "scheduled to die", a matching liver was found and I was rushed to Lahey hospital in Burlington, MA for the life saving 12 hour operation.

This was a miraculous gift!  Every day, I pray for the family who lost a loved one that saved my life.  I take very good care of their liver every day and I am so grateful to be alive!

Since my life saving transplant, I also lost my right kidney to cancer last year, and had a corrective surgery just last month for a complication. Though I could not donate the kidney to a person in need, due to the cancer, I did donate it to Maine Medical Center Research Center, hoping to help find a cure for the future.

I am running this 10k race to support New England Organ Donor Services (NEDS).  They helped save my life, I have become an active volunteer and also serve on the State of Maine's Governor's Organ Donation Advisory Council.

Thank you for helping me reach my goal and support this important cause!

Rick "Team Rick" Griffin


New England Donor Services is the not-for-profit organization serving the region for organ and tissue donation. There are currently 5,500 patients waiting for an organ transplant in New England and countless others will require tissue to heal this year. With approximately half of the population registered donor, it's critical for more people to join the Donor Registry today. Funds are needed to help educate the community about the importance of organ and tissue donation and the need across the community. Give now and show your support!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 23 Chalabi family You got this brother!!! $273.35
Jun 22 All the Morgans Go Rick Go! Love Shack Wishes! Jim, Georgia, Eliott, Katie, Polly, and June $55.35
Jun 22 Bell Family Run like the wind good buddy $109.85
Jun 20 Maria Therriault You are a true inspiration, Rick!! Undisclosed amount
Jun 20 Sue & Ron Keane $250.00
Jun 20 Sean Conroy Great commitment, Rick, proud of you. Good luck and stay healthy!! $273.35
Jun 20 SaL Efici Jr You got this my friend...I'm rooting for you!! $120.59
Jun 20 Yvette Di Lallo $109.85
Jun 19 Lisa Compagna $55.35
Jun 19 Tim,Kathy.Caroline and Peter Always proud of you Rick! $109.85