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Help Ed raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

You either know me well or you don’t. If you do, I hope it will come as no surprise that I have joined the Cystic Fibrosis Team for the Falmouth Road Race on August 21st with the goal of raising several thousand dollars for research.

Why Cystic Fibrosis you ask? I have three reasons.

1.     Noble Cause: When something happens to a child they must deal with the rest of their life, it is not a good thing and not fair. Research can not only lead to a cure, but to a prevention or mitigation. Supporting this organization is similar to the 30+ years of effort supporting another non-profit organization engaged in noble work.

2.      Results: The research dollars generated by volunteers for the organization….have worked! That’s right. Huge advances in treatment have been achieved as a result of the type of grass roots efforts this event represents. Life expectancy of CF patients continues to grow.

3.      Inspiration: Over the years some people have credited me with inspiring them, and I have been inspired by many people. But there is a Dad who volunteers for Cystic Fibrosis whose passion, dedication and focus on the mission of finding a cure is unparalleled and unparalleled excellence always inspires.

Donate to help Ed raise money for The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 09 Michael Wiseman Thanks for all that you do - $27.48
Jul 06 Linda $20.00
Jul 06 Anonymous Inspirational. Go Ed!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 06 Scott Neely Good luck! Raise of bunch of $ for CF - such a worthy cause! $107.35
Jul 06 pat rodgers to a non-boring life, hopefully with some boring along the way! $107.35
Jul 06 Cultivate Nutrition Consulting $54.10
Jul 06 James Malerba Go get them Big Ed! $250.00
Jun 21 Ed Doherty $267.10