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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

NOCC TEAM TEAL - Making a Difference With Our Miles!

The mission of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition is to save lives through the prevention and cure of ovarian cancer and to improve the quality of life for survivors and their caregivers. Nearly 22,000 females are diagnosed in the US with ovarian cancer each year and over 225,000 females are living with an ovarian cancer diagnosis in the US alone. Unfortunately, most cases are diagnosed in later stages when the prognosis is poor, and close to 14,000 females die annually. However, if diagnosed and treated early, when the cancer is confined to the ovary, the five-year survival rate is over 90 percent. That is why it is imperative to support National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. In this year of great challenges, one even greater challenge remains, saving more lives from ovarian cancer. Funds raised for the NOCC support national programs and local market initiatives which include: increasing awareness of the subtle signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, assisting newly-diagnosed survivors and those in recurrence throughout the country through food security programs, financial assistance, and mental health counseling, providing ongoing support to caregivers, and advocating for the advancement of ovarian cancer research. To learn more about the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, please visit To learn more about NOCC TEAM TEAL contact Vanda Soldati, Sr. Regional Manger at or


Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 30 Worcester Irish Good Luck , The Ernie Aves $107.35
Mar 30 Mary & Kevin Maguire $107.35
Mar 30 Jill Lamson You continue to amaze me! Go get it 💪🏼💙🏃🏽‍♀️ $107.35
Mar 30 Lauren Griff Undisclosed amount
Mar 26 Anonymous Love what you do for others. $267.10
Mar 26 Anonymous $54.10
Mar 24 Ross and Sydney You've got this, lady. So proud of you! $107.35
Mar 19 Anonymous $11.50
Mar 18 Emily Molden $267.10
Mar 15 Scott and Mary Sending all the love! $54.10