Help Tristan raise money
For participating in Captain Canada Run - Virtual Edition
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Don't Wait For Hope. Create it!
A donation today will help grant wishes for children like Aeriyle - giving them joy and hope when they need it most. It is with the generosity of our supporters that we can continue to transform lives, one wish at a time.
“Aeriyle has leukemia.” With those three words, our world was turned upside down. Our daughter was just five years old when we had to face the biggest fight of our lives. And shortly after Aeriyle started chemotherapy treatment just one day after her diagnosis, my husband caught COVID-19, which only added to the challenges we were facing. Then, despite all our precautions, Aeriyle tested positive for the virus, too.
Fortunately, Aeriyle recovered but you can imagine, after months of hospital visits and the COVID scare, there was very little joy in our lives. Just so much sickness and worry for Aeriyle, our family and me.
Then Make-A-Wish told us they were going to grant Aeriyle’s wish. Just hearing the news was like a gift of hope for her and all of us. For as long as we can remember, Aeriyle dreamt of having an English Bulldog to love and cuddle. Thanks to generous donors like you, we welcomed Cujos into our home and it was like Christmas in July.
"I know from personal experience that having a wish granted will make a world of difference to all of those children, like it did for my brave little girl. I understand there’s a backlog of children’s wishes still waiting to be granted and with the holidays coming, there’s no time to lose. Your donation today will mean that, as soon as the pandemic ends, Make-A-Wish will be able to address its long waiting list of wishes - children waiting for their chance to feel the joy Aeriyle and our whole family felt. It’s people like you that give families like ours hope and joy. You really transformed our lives. Thank you again!"
- Aeriyle’s mom
I am raising money to support Make-A-Wish Canada! Consider donating to help me raise money for Captain Canada Run - Virtual Edition fundraising campaign.
Together, we can grant life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses for wish kids like Aeriyle!