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Help Lindsay raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Houston 2022

My Story…

I have now lived with chronic migraines for nearly 23 years. The developments in migraine research and treatment have been significant in that time, but it's far from perfect and there's still far more unknown than known. I have been on dozens of medications, tried all sorts of treatments, been drug cocktailed, Botox-ed, infused, self-injected, electro-shocked, and had scan after scan to ensure I'm not secretly growing a brain tumor (because how would I ever know?). My every life choice revolves around my migraines: Do I have my medication with me? Will this workout cause a migraine? What am I eating? How am I sleeping? What are my stress levels? Is there a storm coming? How loud/visually frantic will this event be? WHY ARE THESE TRASH BAGS SCENTED? 

I'm only 38-almost-39, and I have a lifetime left of dealing with these migraines as far as my specialists can tell. I just want it to be easier--for me, sure, but for anyone coming after me who has to deal with this. Help me help them?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 09 Anonymous Go, Lindsay! :) Undisclosed amount
Feb 08 Anonymous $26.59