Raise money for Weave
WEAVE’s mission is to build a community that does not tolerate sexual assault, domestic violence, and sex trafficking and provides survivors with the support they need to be safe and thrive.
WEAVE is the primary provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and the sole Rape Crisis Center in Sacramento County. WEAVE responds to more than 12,000 survivors every year through its array of 24/7 crisis intervention, safe shelter, and therapeutic counseling programs and reaches another 6,000 youth and adults through community and school based education programs.
WEAVE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations to WEAVE are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. WEAVE’s Tax Identification Number is 94-2493158.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Kaiser Child Psychiatry
Raised: $576.45
Blue Boobies
Raised: $367.50
Get Jo-Fitness On
Raised: $366.25
Soroptimist-Best For Women
Raised: $309.75
KaiaFIT Davis
Raised: $199.50
Team Triumph
Raised: $141.75
Team Love
Raised: $131.25
Pacers 4 Life
Raised: $131.25
Fleet Feet Racing Team - Sacramento
Raised: $105.00
Raised: $78.75
Raised: $78.75
BGR Sacramento
Raised: $52.50
Ladies of Link
Raised: $52.50
Seasonal Friends
Raised: $52.50
Raised: $52.50
The Butterflies
Raised: $52.50
Hold On!
Raised: $52.50
Walk of Hope
Raised: $47.25
Raised: $46.75
Powerhouse Ladies Crew
Raised: $26.25
Barb and Starr
Raised: $26.25
Walk It Out
Raised: $26.25
Ladies on the Run
Raised: $26.25
Alana Mathews for District Attorney
Raised: $26.25
The Ruby Woos
Raised: $26.25
Junior League of Sacramento
Raised: $26.25
Shrinks on the Run
Raised: $26.25
Strong Bones
Raised: $26.25
Aspiring World Changers
Raised: $26.25
SNP Sliders
Raised: $26.25
Raised: $26.25
BAH Birds
Raised: $26.25
CCC Run/Walk for God
Raised: $21.00
Crazy Runn' Ladies
Raised: $21.00
Raised: $21.00
Raised: $21.00
ROS Freudy Niners
Raised: $10.50
Kitchell CEM
Raised: $5.25
The Cutters
Raised: $5.25
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Jennifer Kennedy
Raised: $544.75
Mari Cantwell
Raised: $262.50
Barbara Davy
Raised: $262.50
Tracy Harwell
Raised: $157.50
Alana Joldersma
Raised: $131.25
Merrilee Ekedahl
Raised: $105.00
Eunice Pannell
Raised: $105.00
Amanda Gilbert
Raised: $105.00
Angela Rosenquist
Raised: $105.00
Johanna Nanca
Raised: $103.75
Jill Evans
Raised: $78.75
Autumn Marth
Raised: $78.75
Lynne Hernandez
Raised: $73.50
Isabel Soto
Raised: $52.50
Virginia Huff
Raised: $52.50
Amy Kohler
Raised: $52.50
Linda Clendenin
Raised: $52.50
Joanne Hufford
Raised: $52.50
Lindsey Fudge
Raised: $50.00
Debbie Cooper
Raised: $45.00
Alana Mathews
Raised: $26.25
Tinisha Derrico
Raised: $26.25
Angela Herr
Raised: $26.25
Diane Hollingshead
Raised: $26.25
Marlies Nauman
Raised: $26.25
Carolyn Bonanno
Raised: $26.25
Cindy Quiralte
Raised: $26.25
Tamara Barker
Raised: $26.25
Angie Viloria
Raised: $26.25
Jhoanalynn Baybayan
Raised: $26.25
Huyen Friedlander
Raised: $26.25
Carol Jaworowski
Raised: $26.25
Elizabeth Marder
Raised: $26.25
Carmelita Woolley
Raised: $21.00
Tracy Theiss
Raised: $21.00
Sara Sterner
Raised: $5.25
Michaelea Benuzzi
Raised: $5.25
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Apr 14 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 13 | Tamara Barker | $26.25 |
Apr 13 | Jacqueline Cervantes | $21.00 |
Apr 12 | Shannon Hurtz | $26.25 |
Apr 12 | Monserrat Garcia | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 12 | Jenn Wu Shrestha | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 12 | Anonymous | $105.00 |
Apr 11 | Emily Christopher | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 11 | Linda Runke | $52.50 |
Apr 10 | Mairin Haley | $52.50 |