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Help Krystyna raise money

For participating in RUCK4HITCapeCod 2022

My Story…

Recently, I joined a great fundraising campaign RUCK4HIT Cape Cod. As many of you know, this was a very hard and challenging year for me and my family. However, God healed me and I found the strength to train and run a race to help others in need. Heroes in Transition is an amazing organization that helps local Veterans and Military Families. I am also a former Army Reserves Sgt., trained as a Combat Medic and a Nurse. This cause is very near to my heart. Please help me raise funds for this wonderful  cause!

Praying for World Peace❤️🙏❤️

Donate to help Krystyna raise money for RUCK4HITCapeCod 2022’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 02 Nowak Family Good luck! $32.80
Feb 27 Kozak Ivona & Lukasz Have fun while you Ruck it $54.10
Feb 26 Agnieszka Radel Great cause! Good luck! $54.10
Feb 25 Mariola Good Luck Krysia!❤️ $54.10
Feb 25 Monika Benson $54.10