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Help Yuri raise money

For participating in Run for the Children

My Story…



UPDATE: While generous donors have helped me to exceed my personal weekend fundraising goal, the organization still has about $6702.45 to raise (as of noonish on Saturday) to meet our collective $50,000 goal.  Any contribution to help us reach or exceed that amount is greatly appreciated! 

My "Run for the Children" activity was an hour bike ride to the State Capitol and back from West Sacramento. I met up with some colleagues to cheer on the group running to the Capitol from the Zoo.  The weather cooperated for the most part (although we need the rain!) and I'll see if the day/weekend allows for more activities~. 

The truth is that foster care and adoption work is chronically underfunded. Your generosity will help our Pathways to Permanency program continue the work of ensuring that all youth have lifelong connection to families.  

With Gratitude, 


Donate to help Yuri raise money for Run for the Children’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 16 Amy and Carol Go Yuri! $80.73
Apr 16 Sunu Chandy Thank you for your many years of dedicated work with families that I can only imagine takes so much care, thoughtfulness and integrity. $54.10
Apr 16 Anonymous Way to go Yuri! Undisclosed amount
Apr 16 Julie Dawson Thank you, Stanford Sierra for your vital work. And thank you, Yuri Kimura, for giving me the chance to donate. Ride On! $533.35
Apr 16 Auntie Rocio To support Yuri's amazing work $267.10
Apr 16 David & Marvina SHILLING Always admiring what you do! $250.00
Apr 16 Anonymous Good luck Yuri! Thank you for all your good work! Blessings! Kimi $54.10
Apr 16 Anonymous Thank you for your dedication to youth and foster families to make this world a better place for all. You are amazing! Undisclosed amount
Apr 16 Rihito & Keiko KIMURA $107.35
Apr 16 Heather Yuri, you are inspiring! Keep on… $107.35