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Help Denise raise money

For participating in Minnesota 5K SCADaddle for Research

My Story…

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page!

I’m Denise and I’m a SCAD survivor. I had a SCAD (spontaneous coronary artery dissection) heart attack when I was 27 years old. I was teaching a water aerobics class - one of my three jobs-l at the time- when I started having chest pain and tingling in my arms and legs. I was sweating and had pain down my left tricep… classic heart attack symptoms Paramedics were called and I went into VFIB while in the ambulance, meaning I was unresponsive and had no pulse. My heart stopped due to SCAD in my left anterior descending artery (LAD) and I was shocked with an AED and rushed to the university’ of MN emergency room.

Luckily I had no long term damage and once I was diagnosed with SCAD on day 5 of hospitalization I was sent home with no further complications.

Since then I’ve learned a lot from the amazing researchers at the Mayo Clinic and my SCAD sisters and brothers through this network.

The money we raise goes towards important research and raising awareness about this rare condition. It could save a life.

Please join me for the 5k on Saturday May 14th!! If you aren’t able to join us, please consider a donation and share with your friends and family.

Thank you!

Sincerely, the Thul family ❤️ 

Donate to help Denise raise money for Minnesota 5K SCADaddle for Research’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 14 Wilson Family Good luck to Team Thul and all the people we love who will be walking in honor of Denise $54.10
May 09 Nate Adams Looking forward to seeing you and the family Denise! $107.35
Apr 28 Whole Body Health $107.35
Apr 27 The Miller's We're sad we won't be there in person, but always in spirit! $107.35
Mar 31 Tamara Bredemus $320.35
Mar 30 Dick Thul Good luck on your drive. Love ya. Grandpa Dick $100.00
Mar 01 Shelly & Peyton $27.48
Feb 21 Kellie Denise you are such a blessing to my life. Good luck with your fundraising and race. $54.10
Feb 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount