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Help Donna raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Philadelphia 2022

My Story…

I am grateful that after 5 years of working with neurologists and Headache Specialists, my migraine attacks are better controlled now than they have been since 2012. However, the neurologic disease of Chronic Migraine still affects my life every day. A few examples include: protecting my eyes from the sun and lights, avoiding avocadoes and bananas, taking medications (not to mention the injections that give me hives for 2 days every month), being less productive and less social than my old norm because every day is different. So, while Chronic Migraine is better controlled, it is not gone. I continue to rely heavily on the support of my doctors at Jefferson Headache Center and the amazing FREE programs by Miles for Migraine to achieve the best quality of life I can. I hope other people who suffer with Headache Disorders can learn about and access these amazing resources. Please join me in the fight against Migraine by joining my team or donating!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 The Tagliavia Family $53.00
Aug 28 Vladimir Bien-Aime $26.50
Aug 28 Joseph and Anne Rogers Go Team Donna $53.00
Aug 28 Ryan & Donna Schmidt $53.00