Everything you need to know about race day!!!!
We are less than one week away so I wanted to send out all the info you‘ll need for another AMAZING Trot To The Beach!!! There will be lots of info so please read ALL of it CAREFULLY!!!
First of all I’d like to thank some special people and sponsors. Our corporate sponsors for this years event are:
Ridge Landfill Community Trust – Continually providing funds to help events like this be possible!
Dairy Farmers of Ontario – Providing us with fresh ice cold milk! Laura Klessens and team for serving it up!
Hotham Building Supplies – Providing all the delicious food! Dave Bonnell and team for cooking and serving it all!
Contentrix – Providing funds and cool swag!
Teksavvy - Providing funds and cool swag!
Medavie CK – Providing the EMS vehicle and paramedics - Bob Belleghem and Saskia Vandersluis for volunteering their time!!! If you ever need CPR or First aid training make sure you use Pair of Medics (That’s Bob and Saskia ;))
Blenhiem Kinsmen – Providing the turn around water station
Alright now the important stuff is out of the way… There IS race day registration!!! It is cash only and opens at 6:30am at the start/finish area
The start AND finish area will be at 1315 Mariners Rd at the pavilion behind the skate park, basketball court and new pickle ball court (down toward the lighthouse) See map below
**WE ARE NOT STARTING OR FINISHING IN THE SAME LOCATION TROT TO THE BEACH NORMALLY DOES** Please make sure you read and understand where to show up!!!
Parking will on either side of the road and in the municipal lots. Bathrooms will be open at 6:30am.
The event will take place rain or shine. If there is thunder or lightning, the start will be delayed. If thunder or lightning starts while you are out running, we ask that you use common sense and take proper safety measures and take cover if necessary.
Timeline of the day: 6:30am – 7:45am day of bib pick up and day of registration (Day of registration is $50 for 5km or 10km) 7:30am Opening prayer – Pastor Tim Joyce 7:30am – 7:40am Warm up exercises with coach Sue Wammes 8am - ??? 5km and 10km start 9am (aprx) Tot Trot Food and drinks available from aprx 8:30am-10am
Pre-Race Bib Pick Up There will be a pre-race bib pick up at the Blenheim Youth Center (78 Marlborough St S, Blenheim ON. N0P1A0) on Saturday June 11th from 1pm-3pm.
The Route The route is set to run out of Erieau the same way you drove in and then up onto the McGeachy’s pond trail. Approximately 1km (500m out and 500m back) will be on this trail. While this is a very nice trail it is still a trail. We ask that you always use caution as some of the ground is uneven. The last thing we want is for anyone to get hurt at a fun run event for charity! While we have two of the best paramedics around, we want nothing more then to have them sit and be bored all day
Part of the run WILL take place on the road. These roads will NOT be closed. We will have some barricades up and signage to ensure drivers know there is a running event taking place. But again, we ask that you use caution while running. Run or walk against traffic and never assume a vehicle can see you.
Headphones, pets, and strollers…
It is ok to run with any of these but at the risk of sounding repetitive, please use caution and common sense while running. You MUST use common sense and BE SAFE!!!
Pets All pets must remain on a leash at all times. You must be in complete control of your pet at all times. If your furry friend decides to go to the bathroom while running or at ANY time during, before or after the event, you need to stop and pick it up immediately (even if this means you miss the start). Please be respectful, as some people may be nervous or scared near your fur baby. Keep the leash short and your buddy close by your side.
Headphones Yes, you can run with headphones but we ask that you leave at least one earbud loose or better yet, out completely. We want everyone to be safe and running with both earbuds in with loud music is not safe. Please have your music volume low so you can hear your surroundings. Strollers Absolutely no problem! Just a heads up again though that part of the run is on a trail. The trail is all compacted crushed gravel but it is uneven in spots. Please be careful and if needed slow down.
Pre-race Bib Pickup We will have a pre-race bib pickup at the Blenheim Youth Centre (78 Marlborough St, Blenheim ON. N0P1A0) on Saturday June 11th from 1pm-3pm. You can also bring a friend and they can still register for $40!
Swag So, I ordered sunglasses for everyone but unfortunately we received an email last Friday and they will not be in now until June 13th , the day AFTER our event
Please dress for the weather! If it’s gonna be hot and sunny, please remember sunscreen! If it’s gonna be cold and rainy, wear a jacket and dress a little warmer. We’re praying for that perfect sunny with a cool breeze ;)
If you are planning on picking up your bib on the morning of the event PLEASE get there early! We will be ready for you at 6:30am but if 100 people show up at 7:45am… some of you are gonna start late (and we REALLY don’t want that) We will try to stay as close to the time line as possible but as the world turns sometimes unexpected things arise. Please be patient and please be kind and understanding if things don’t go exactly as planned. I promise you I will do everything in my power to make sure each and every one of you have an awesome time! These charities that YOU all are helping by participating and VERY special to me and even more important to our community!
Please be respectful of this beautiful village and throw all of your garbage into a receptacle before, after and during the run.
Taking place right after Trot is the Erieau Boulevard of Dreams Cars Show! The car show starts at noon and there are lots of great things happening! The Anglican Church is doing a fish fry and of course there will be lots of awesome cars to look at! Boulevard of Dreams-Erieau Car Show | Facebook Come for the run and stay for the fun!
**WE ARE NOT STARTING OR FINISHING IN THE SAME LOCATION TROT TO THE BEACH NORMALLY DOES** Please make sure you read and understand where to show up!!!
We will have “Day Of” registration so PLEASE bring along your friends! (Just bring them early please)
Please feel free to email text or call me (JP) at any time if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns cus I am sure I’ve forgot something
Thank you all SO much and I’ll see you Sunday!
519-360-8881 |
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
5km Closed
Online registration closed-
Cheap Trot Rate!
Mar 5 – Apr 9 -
Full Price
ClosedJun 8 – Jun 7
10km Closed
Online registration closed-
Cheap Trot Rate!
Mar 5 – Apr 9 -
Full Price
Apr 10 – Jun 7 -
ClosedJun 8 – Jun 7
Tiny Tot Trot Closed
Online registration closed-
CA$20.00Mar 5 – Apr 9
Full Price
Apr 10 – Jun 7 -
ClosedJun 8 – Jun 7
Let's get EXCITED!!!
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Contact information
- Event contact
- JP
- jonpaulhuggins@gmail.com
- Phone
- 5193608881
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Trot 2022
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