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Help us raise money

For participating in 14TH ANNUAL 5K WALK/RUN FOR CANCER CARE

Our story…

August 2021, I was told I had Breast cancer. Never did I think I would receive this diagnosis before the age of 40.  I was lucky it was stage 1, however I was triple positive. Triple positive means the cancer cells grow in response to estrogen, progesterone and a growth promoting protein that’s know as HER2.  Surgery removed the tumor. After having surgery in October, I started my chemo journey in November.  In March, I started radiation. Now in July, I have completed 12 of the 17 treatments that I need.  I am doing great, I promise! My hair is growing back in and I have a smile on my face. This year I created a team for my mother and myself; both survivors of breast cancer. Please join us on our team Zenowich Warriors for the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital.



Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 24 Jaimie Prevo Stacey, I am keeping you and your family in my prayers 💕 sending a virtual hug Undisclosed amount